Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Death of Conchobhar – (revised)

Once apon a time there were 3 drunk Ulstermen in Emhain Macha. These Ulstermen was Conall, Cu Chulainn, and Loeghaire. “Bring me the brain of Meis-Geghra so I can play w ith it, and talk to the spirits.” Said Conall. In this time, it was normal for the Ulstermen to take out the brains of any warrior they killed in single combat and mix them with lime, so they become hard balls. Conall then sais, “Well now, Conchobhar, until the warriors do a task like this one in battle, they aren’t worthy to fight with me.” ‘That is true’, said Conchobhar.
Meis-Geghra’s brain was then put on a shelf where it would stay permently. Conchobhar went on his way the next day to amuse himself. Cet the son of Madu came to Ulster on adventures, he was known as the most troublesome man in Ireland. When Cet overheard the warrior buffoons talking and playing with the brain of Meis-Geghra. He then stole the brain from the warrior knowing it had the spirit of Meis-Geghra with it. Cet kept his brain on his belt with him in every battle after that, hoping to kill an Ulstermen with it and become famous. One day, the Ulstermen persued Cet driving a herd of cattle, fortunately for cet the men of Connaught arrived to defend him. Conchobbhar him self came to the battle. Cet decides to use several beautiful women to distract the cocky Conchobbhar and give him self and chance to use the brain of Meis-Geghra on the great king. Cet got in the middle of the women, and flung the brain into the top of Conchobhar’s skull, resulting in the king falling to the ground, and remaining unconcious intell the battle was over the next morning. Conchobhar’s doctor, Finghin, explains to him that if the stone is removed he will die for sure, if it is left he will have a dis-figurement on his perfect body, but he will stay alive. So the Finghin sewed his wound with gold thread, and told Conchobhar to watch his anger, and that he couldn’t do anything physical for the rest of his life.
The king survived in this state for seven years, until he heard that Christ was crucified by the Jews. He did not understand why this has happened. His druid then told him Jesus Christ was born on the same night as he was, but on a different year of course. Conchobhar was enraged. “A thousand warriors will die under my command to revenge Christ.” He went for his spears, he took his sword in his hand and attacked the forest around him. He then said, ‘Thus would I avenge Christ on the Jews and on those who crucified Him, if I could get at them. With this anger and excitement, Meis-Geghra’s brain popped out of his head, and Conchobhar’s brains came out as well, and he died of it….

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