16. (Pg 165. Line 2440) "That ffense was beyond....or pay his death price.
The death of Herebeald was unexpected and paticularly frusterating, for Hrethel especialy. Unfortuantly, Heathgn, Herebeald's brother, was the one that accidently killed him. Hrethel has no way to make this right because how could he put his own son to death. He says there is no one who could avenge the princes life, or pay his death price, which is the 2 part concept of werdgild. He can't have the murderer killed for the crime and there is no one to play the blood money. Nothing can be done about this death.
17. (Pg 175. Line 2575) "So the king of the Geats...had nead of at that moment."
Beowulf is a great warrior, he's faught caragiously in many battles and he has allways been very strong and his sword has never once failed him. The power of his stike is not enough to damage the dragon, it shows his growing weakness with his growing age. At the same time, a warriors sword represents who a man is as a fighter. When his sword fails him it's a bad sign, a sign of future down falls.
18. (Pg 183. Line 2711) "Then the wound delt by the ground burner earleir began to scald and swell."
this line is refering to the poisend enjury Beowulf recieves from the dragon, also called a "ground-burner". The ground burner refers to the dragon, it burns everything on the ground that it can. This is called a compound metaphor.
19. (Pg 183. Line 1724) "Beowulf spoke: in spite....knew his day in the word had been lived out to the end."
There is frequent conversation on weather Beowulf is a "super-hero" or not. He obviously has some degree of powers and strengths ebover average but is he imortal. In this line there may be a form of answer. It says "inspite of his wounds, mortal wounds,". This shows this injury in truth. It's a mortal wound, meaning it's a fatal would. Beowulf is going to die from this, showing his mortal weakness.
20. (Pg 189. "I give thanks.....endowed on the day i die."
Beowulf is thankful of the poeple that he can die so privliged and powerful as he is. He's thankful of the life he's had and that the people can let him go. This is ironic because in reality he's leaving them unprepared and vulneragle for nations to attack. Beowulf was the great intimidater of his nation, his people are in danger because he's gone.
The death of Herebeald was unexpected and paticularly frusterating, for Hrethel especialy. Unfortuantly, Heathgn, Herebeald's brother, was the one that accidently killed him. Hrethel has no way to make this right because how could he put his own son to death. He says there is no one who could avenge the princes life, or pay his death price, which is the 2 part concept of werdgild. He can't have the murderer killed for the crime and there is no one to play the blood money. Nothing can be done about this death.
17. (Pg 175. Line 2575) "So the king of the Geats...had nead of at that moment."
Beowulf is a great warrior, he's faught caragiously in many battles and he has allways been very strong and his sword has never once failed him. The power of his stike is not enough to damage the dragon, it shows his growing weakness with his growing age. At the same time, a warriors sword represents who a man is as a fighter. When his sword fails him it's a bad sign, a sign of future down falls.
18. (Pg 183. Line 2711) "Then the wound delt by the ground burner earleir began to scald and swell."
this line is refering to the poisend enjury Beowulf recieves from the dragon, also called a "ground-burner". The ground burner refers to the dragon, it burns everything on the ground that it can. This is called a compound metaphor.
19. (Pg 183. Line 1724) "Beowulf spoke: in spite....knew his day in the word had been lived out to the end."
There is frequent conversation on weather Beowulf is a "super-hero" or not. He obviously has some degree of powers and strengths ebover average but is he imortal. In this line there may be a form of answer. It says "inspite of his wounds, mortal wounds,". This shows this injury in truth. It's a mortal wound, meaning it's a fatal would. Beowulf is going to die from this, showing his mortal weakness.
20. (Pg 189. "I give thanks.....endowed on the day i die."
Beowulf is thankful of the poeple that he can die so privliged and powerful as he is. He's thankful of the life he's had and that the people can let him go. This is ironic because in reality he's leaving them unprepared and vulneragle for nations to attack. Beowulf was the great intimidater of his nation, his people are in danger because he's gone.
Okay - some of these are very literal, see if you can go beyond this and discuss potential or implied meaning.