Monday, December 14, 2009

Thomas Act 3 and 4 Answers

1. The play, as Hamlet planned, exposed Claudius for his guilt and fear of killing his brother and marrying his wife. Hamlet and Heratio analyzed Claudius during the play and noticed how uncomfortable he got, and then he becomes overwhelmed and leaves the room. Claudius realized that Hamlet knows he killed his father.
2. Expo- This is when we are introduced to the guards. They see a ghost and they ask Horatio to see it to. Hamlet hates Claudius and the marriage. The ghost appears again, Hamlet fallows it to ask it questions.
Inciting- Hamlet finds out Claudius killed his father from the Ghost, also telling him to seek revenge for his fathers death.
Rising- 1. Hamlets plan to expose Claudius through the play.
2. Hamlet goes to Ophelia’s room acting crazy, half-naked, acting in love with her.
3. Claudius is upset after the play, showing Hamlet he is guilty, but Hamlet cant kill him because he was confessing.
1. He’s sending Hamlet to England because he’s crazy, and has Rosencrantz and Guildenstern go with him to supervise.
2. Spy on them to here what they talk about.
3. 1) This was the first time Claudius admits to his sin out loud.
2) He’s asking for forgiveness for his sins, showing some level of regret and need for salvation.
3) If he did not decide to pray Hamlet wouldn’t have shown restraint in killing him.
4. Claudius says he apearantly can’t pray.
5. Because he can’t kill Claudius as he is praying confessing for his sin because then he will go to heaven. Hamlet refuses to give him that luxary, so he decides to wait until he can kill him when he is doing something bad.

1. Polonius tells the queen be more stern, and just say he has caused a lot of trouble.
2. Hamlet calls Polonius a rat for spying on him, as he is always doing. Then he stabs and kills him.
3. While Hamlet is frustrated and confused, this quote shows he somewhat blames his mother for his fathers death.
4. While Gertrude is a clueless mother, she doesn’t understand why Hamlet is so rude to her because she doesn’t know that Claudius killed her husband.
5. He bashes on Claudius by saying he is like mildewed ear of corn affecting all others next to him, and comparing her old husband to a Greek God, with a commanding eye.
6. He just giving a descriptive explanation of why his father was so much more of a man than Claudius. He asks why his mother would possibly settle for such a pathetic man, after having such a honorable, heroic king.
7. It’s a detailed description of Gurtude sleeping with her old husbands brother.
8. The ghost reminds Hamlet that his job is to get revenge for his fathers death, not push his mother away and make her feel guilty. She is just a weak women says the ghost.
9. “….do not spread the compost on the weeds.” He’s saying that they shouldn’t make things worse, which is ironic considering he wants to murder Claudius. This sign of revenge and anger drives him kill his fathers murderer.
10. The ghost doesn’t help Hamlet’s situation in act 3 because, unlike act 1, in act 3 no one can see him except Hamlet. In act 1 everyone sees the ghost. In both scenes however the ghosts have the same motivation, which is to see Claudius killed.

Thomas Act 3 Scenes 1 and

1. They report that Hamlet is confused and troubled, but won’t tell why. He doesn’t eagerly discuss his problems and doesn’t like being interrogated by friends.
2. Claudius completely agrees with Polonius that people sometimes act committed to God to hide their sins. This makes Claudius feel guilty.
3. They planned for Hamlet and Ophelia to run into each other. Polonius and Claudius will act as spies to determine if Hamlet is suffering because of the love he has for Ophelia.
4. Hamlets soliloquy is the question, is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to push through the hard times to the end, or cut life short and easy? However he also explains the catch. No one knows where you end up after death. This is why so many people suffer through the troubles of life so long.
5. The main argument against suicide is the popular fear of what happens after death. Where do you go and what do you experience if you kill decide to sin and kill your self. That is why most accept the sufferings, even though they don’t want to.
6. Hamlet becomes angry because Ophelia returns his letters. Hamlet now thinks she doesn’t love him, which is why he is cruel. He is also cruel because he has been set up and Polonius was spying on them.
7. Hamlets saying he’s going to kill Claudius for killing his father, but he’s not going to kill his mother.
8. The King decides to send him to England.
9. Hamlet approves of Horatio because he takes everything in life with calm acceptance, good and bad things. He takes Horatio in his heart also because he is a master of his emotions, which is so important, especially when dealing with women.
10. He asks Horatio to watch his uncle very carefully when the play begins and analyze his reaction. He wants Horatio to see if Claudius looks guilty or nervous.
11. A king and queen enter and embrace lovingly. She kneels before him and resists his passion. He lifts her up and lays his head on her neck. He lies down on a bank of flowers. When she sees him sleeping, she leaves. Another man comes in, takes the crown from the king, pours poison in the sleeping man’s ear, and leaves. The queen returns and finds the king dead. She becomes hysterical. The killer comes back and claims the queen. The body is carried away. The killer gives the queen gifts. She is cold toward him for a while but eventually accepts his hospitality.
12. The name “the mousetrap” is a metaphor. The play is about a murder committed in Vienna. Gonzago is the duke’s name, and his wife is Baptista.
13. Claudius is spooked. He can’t take it anymore and yells for the lights to be turned on and to “Get me out of here!”
14. He referrers to himself as a recorder, and tells Guildenstern not to try and play him as a fool if he can’t even play that simple instrument.
15. He plans to kill Claudius and take revenge, but he feels like a hypocrite by killing Claudius and not his mother. He decides to do anyway despite his feelings of guilt.

Thomas Hamlet’s Soliloquy

To live or to die
Should I suffer
The troubles of life
Or stay strong and fight against them,
If you die will the troubles end,
I think to die, to sleep,
Should be wished for, to die, to sleep,
To sleep there are risks,
For what happens after death,
This is what makes people think twice,
Who would agree to suffer,
Lost love or slow justice,
Insolent politicians and insults,
Worthy people suffer from the unworthy,
When they could find peace
With a naked dagger would could be take charge?,
Why struggle through life,
Unless they were afraid of what might happen after death,
This country where no one returns from,
Makes us content to suffer the evils,
Rather than risk the unknown,
Our conscience makes us cowards,
Important tasks are therefore,
Forgotten because of over thinking,
And no action is taken.